My Story

I thought you might want to know a bit about my life journey thus far. So here are a few bits. 

I grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii with my parents and my one younger brother. There are many beautiful memories of that time. The islands and the ocean are amazing, which I still miss, but going through the school system there wasn't a great experience. At all. I didn't know how I would do it but I had determined that once I graduated high school I was leaving. That in turn prompted my parents to consider our future as a family unit and ultimately they decided to move us to the mainland. To Arizona. To the high desert at 7,000 feet where we get almost all 4 seasons (spring doesn't really visit us) and snow. It's been an adjustment but I honestly wouldn't go back to live in the isles.

Two months after moving I met my husband. He and I knew very soon into dating that we were going to be together but my parents weren't so sure. I understand now why they reacted the way they did as I was only 18. Three years of dating/being engaged we married. That was the start of being rewoven.

Since August 7th 1999 my wonderful husband has been faithfully by my side as we have endured years of infertility and 3 babies born to heaven. To sweeten the mix, we have two beautiful boys from Ethiopia, a lovely biological daughter and another daughter and son adopted from the foster care system. My story has amazing miracles that still leave me in awe and losses that have left me broken. Through it all I hold to my faith in God being The Rock, that He is faithful and does no wrong and that one day all will be made right. For now He is reweaving my heart to reflect Him better and to make me into who I am truly suppose to be. I hope you'll join me as I continue my journey and share my thoughts here. It is always wonderful to know we are never alone.

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