Wednesday, June 10, 2015

To Persevere

My orchid bloomed! So very pretty and lots more flowers to come. Sadly there is no news of our little girl yet. *sigh* Happily we have a fun trip we leave for on Sunday so at least that will give us some distraction. Speaking of distraction I find that when I am in a stressful time or period of long waiting (such as now) I want to turn to distractions to fill up my time. This results in poor time management and I realized this past week that it not only affects me but those I love most. I found myself not really engaging with my kids the way I usually do and I lost all desire to reach out or stay in touch with friends. 

Persevering isn't just idly letting time go by until the desired want is met. It is a constant conscience work of keeping my eyes where they need to be. They need to be on who and what God has already put in front of me to care for and nurture and to decide to trust His plan and timing. I'm thankful for pretty flowers and fun trips to enjoy while I persevere through this long wait.

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